A Tokyomilk Necessity

One of my favorite items when I went to Barney's CO-OP and was introduced to it about a year or two ago. Tokyomilk has a whole bunch of products for the body, perfumes, and cosmetics.

I have been introduced to the hand creams and tubular fragrances. This is my recent purchase when I was at Barneys looking for a new scent to try.

The Vie La Mort. No. 90.

 This is the cute pouch it comes in and the ingredients and flavourful scents.

Price: $22. and you can also buy from their original website here: TOKYOMILK


  1. Ok I need to check out this store! ASAP! Love the packaging!

  2. this store looks awesoem :)

  3. Didn't know this brand before! I'll try it!

  4. I love your blog! It's great :) Feel free to my blog :)) Maybe, you follow my blog ? ♥ (If you like it)


Xoxo, Thanks for reading.