Obama being thoughtful or stingy?

It has been reported that the Obamas seem to be taking a frugal decision. I assume they complete and finish their chores, the first daughter Sasha and Malia are said to get a 1 dollar a week allowance. I agree that this teaches his daughters about the value of one dollar which our people and all over work very hard for. It's a good life lesson as we are in a recession and need to conserve alot. But the fact that they are little girls, shouldnt they get a like raise..? Bodnar from Kiplinger's Personal Financial suggests that the girls get half their age allowance. For Malia being 10, she could 5 dollars and Sasha at only 7, could get 3.50. Now thats not a bad idea.

(It has been reported but when i know it is TRUTH TRUTH FACTUAL, ill update this and let you all know!)

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