
07 September 2012

#NYFW Day 1: Honor Spring 2013 RTW

Garden of Eden. Garden of Life. Hands down my favorite show of Day 1. I honestly love to watch Honor every single season semester (Haha, it feels like going back to school during NYFW, You see everyone and nobody you know). There is something about the way Giovanna Randall evolves as a designer and her inspirations leave me breathless.

The scene at honor, via Honor's Twitter:

And the front seats had these adorable terrariums with Deborah Lipmann Nail Polish.

The hair had lovely french maid braids like a journey into Europe and a dousle with royalty, Jewels encrusted in the hair. Fresh clear as bone nails. Fresh faces on the models.

Here are some looks from the show, these are my ABSOLUTE FAVORITES:

The details are like veins, now I understand the inspiration when I heard and saw the reference photo. Its so worldly and pays homage to life and the details evoked into the fabric, as there are many parts that make up everyone.

Images courtesy of the cut

The collection was quite feminine, romantic and down to earth. Mother Earth that is. To me it was like the evolution of life, all shapes, sizes, and colors.

What really got me was the detail in each and every single piece. It is wearable works of art to be honest.
The collar on this one reminds me of the old time Shakespearean Collars with the tulle and frills.

These pants are my favorite. The way they move when the model walks its like seeing someone walk so lightly.

 So Romantic and detailed.

Key words during this show: Muscles. Veins. The Body. Life. Intricate Details. Mother Earth.
Femininity and Romanticism. Fantasy and Reality.

Once again, my breath was taken away by Honor. Another Season, Can you imagine whats coming up for fall? I know I cant!

~Kaye Beeh
Your one and only


  1. Thank you for the sweet comment! Would you like to follow each other? =)

  2. These are beautiful clothes and very inspiring for spring.

    Thank you for your comment on my blog. I hope we can follow each other? I am following you now on twitter. Enjoy the rest of NFW!

  3. Happy Friday beautiful!

  4. Very nice collection <3

  5. What a lovely collection - so pretty and romantic. Beautiful fabric too.

  6. Beautiful! I love the collection!

  7. I really like the pink dress. It's a great color.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  8. Thank you so much for yor comment you were so nice ;) I like your blog


  9. Love these! Im really into all kinds of ruffled collars :D

  10. YAY fashion week is here!! super exciting!! ;)


Xoxo, Thanks for reading.