04 May 2012
Burberry Rocker
So I have been so busy, bad blogger! *slaps hand* I shall punish myself with a ban from going to Jamba Juice the next week. Or maybe the week after ;)
Anyways, one of these trench coats, I love. Its from Burberry, its called the Bead Crochet Trench Coat.
Costs $4995. Pretty hefty, but this is a lovely quality. Jacquard style of fabric and the details look so hand-done. (handmade).
Can you imagine someone wearing these with some black skinny jeans or those cargo skinny pants. And then some lovely gold or black glitter color TOMS SHOES.
I want this. So I have made it my mission, my next Beeh Adventure to make the "FASH FOR LESS" style. I shall head out and start the hunt for a jacket like this and creative the perfect outfit I speak of!
~Kaye Beeh
That costs as much as my car