
01 October 2011

WORKOUT: Piloxing

So I recently, about 4 days, took the plunge and ordered yet another fitness workout. This time its Piloxing, a favorite of Kirsten Dunst, Hilary Duff, and Vanessa Hudgens.

The sleek. sexy. powerful mantra goes a long way as you go through this 1 hour workout. I got the DVD today and immediately decided to give it a try. You put on the weighted gloves. 1 lb on each hand, you think that's minuscule but its the same build-up as in Exhale Core fusion, lighter weights goes along way. The burn is immense in this.

Every movement works your core, lower body, and arms. Its a total-body workout basically. A perfect blend of Pilates, Boxing, and a little movement of dance. Cardio, toning,and lengthening. All elements of a good workout.

You go from Pilates Sexy to Boxing Power Ups. Basically in intervals.
Now that combo is really good.
I burned about 550 calories in 1 hr. Not bad.
Viveca Jensen the creator says you can burn 500-800 an hour. So I guess im on track.

You an order it on Piloxing's Website here. And now she came out with a new dvd Express Toning, for a 30 minute tone.

~Kaye Beeh

P.S. ~ Hilary Duff Im making you proud girl!


  1. wow too bad I'm lazy and can't do any kind of exercises :D

  2. I love this, thanks for sharing.

  3. OHH COOL I THINK IM GOING TO ORDER THIS DVD, 550 calories in a hour ? wow that sounds good!!! thx for sharing miss. Im following you on Blogloving


Xoxo, Thanks for reading.